This week has been a good one. I've managed to successfully decode the raw RED R3D files on the graphics card, and a few minutes ago I just cracked putting them into the Dark Room's display.
These are RAW R3D files off my RED film camera. Kind of a big deal this one. Without the image itself, the rest of the program wouldn't mean much. It wouldn't really do anything. And although I could use the CPU to decode the images, the user experience would suffer. It's much faster on the GPU. Something along the lines of 25x.
It's a great relief to finally have an image in there. Here's the first one:
That image by the way, can be seen at around the 42 second mark in this video.
There are things still to tick off before the program is usable. I have a couple of modules that need to find their way into the program. That in itself shouldn't be too much trouble, but I will need to build some interface things to be able to use them. Like, an interface for selecting tools, such as the tracking engine. If I can't put a tracking marker in, then how's the engine suppose to track anything?!
There's a couple of things to tidy up, but I can now tick this one off. Exciting times.