Interface improvements update

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I recently posted about updating the interface engine to improve some issues around having multiple tools open at the one time. However, not long after posting, I realised there was still an issue that reared it's head from time-to-time when more than one project was opened.

Currently, there is only one instance of each tool available for use at any given time. This is fine when working on a single project. However, a data integrity issue came up when I realised there was some weird cross-pollination drawing going on that meant each project was a little intertwined with the other. For example, if I had two projects open, the interfaces were getting confused on which data they should be working on and sometimes the viewport had the incorrect project drawn in it!!

I spent a bit more time developing the way the interfaces operate so that they could work in a multi-project environment. By multi-project, I mean working on more than one project at a time in the software itself. Though my software isn't really meant for it, I do have something I'd like to be able to do into the near future. And that is: I'd like a project to be able to import another project. The reason for this is, as an example, I'd like to create a project where I do lens calibration with some footage, and then import the calibration into other projects. That way, I can calibrate a lens and use it across multiple shots without having to run through the calibration process each time for each shot.

Suffice to say, they now work in a way that separates the data but still uses only the one interface instance. I just pass a unique ID around for each call, so that when a function (or command) is called, it knows which project to direct the execution to.

And this means, no more cross-project-pollination draws going on!

So, now I can continue with the structure builder interface!!